Thursday, July 14, 2011

Few Random Thoughts....

While I keep typing and deleting, I feel like I am updating my FB status. Have you ever done that? 
It's like I wanna say so much sometimes, I wanna scream, sometimes I wanna laugh, and sometimes just say 'Really". 

It's like some people don't understand what being a mom, wife, or friend is about. While I know my morals and values aren't others.... I just am amazed at what people say and do. I often go on 'deleting' sprees. I wonder why so many times???

Something you may not know about me:   Pandora is amazing. I love listening to music all day. If I had more time, I would love to travel and listen to bands all over the world. I may not know the names of all the bands, songs, and such .... but I love music. I love to listen to new bands, old bands ... any bands. Nothing like a live band spending time with your friends!

Do I have a hobby?   So, I kinda got sad when I realized I don't really have a hobby. I mean I love being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, business owner, cook, maid and such.... I really need a new hobby. I hope that when we get settled... I can make a section in our sun room for my sewing/ monogram machine. I would love to make cute items for Taylor.

 I also would love to take up a sport. I feel like a slug lately. I know it's because I am not in the gym like I use to (I do have a reason why I am not... I am not lazy).  I really would love to join a sport. I miss intermural softball in college. I also miss DANCE big time! I need to be active again and not where where the best place to look is. I guess Facebook. It's amazing how FB has taken over our lives. What if everyone that is ADDICTED to facebook was ADDICTED to the Lord the same way. Always logging in to see how we can better serve him. Wow, that just made me feel really bad that I am not as close as I would like to be with the Lord. 

I have always been a woman of God. I believe in him, trust him, serve him. I just feel I want to do more, learn more. I LOVE the Church of the Highlands. It is amazing. I am so excited we are finally at a part of our life where we can serve the Lord and experience this with Taylor and each other. I pray that I will become closer to him.

So glad last week is over.  The devil is really a pain lately. Our dog ran away, our cat died, lots of personal happenings, overwhelmed with things you can't do anything about! Thankfully this is a new week. 

More to come, just a lot of my mind lately...... Hope you (if anyone is reading) can come to Taylor's party Saturday!

Have a great weekend. Tiffany

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tribute to Trixie Townsend

I've never been fond of cats. Never really had a cat to take care of.

Sean and I bought a house in Meridian, MS about 5 years ago when we graduated from college a couple months before our big wedding day. A stray baby kitty came up and I feed her some milk. She came the next day and I feed her some more. Again. and Again. I didn't understand at the time what I was doing, I just thought she was thirsty. Sean later said "umm. Tiffany, she will keep coming if you keep giving her milk".

We had put the finishing touches on the house and wanted out of town family to come see our house. (I had been feeding the outside kitty about a month).  The day of our wedding rehearsal, the kitty limped up. It was so pitiful. It looked like she had been hurt. I took her to the vet (hours before our rehearsal started in Dempolis). The vet said she needed antibiotics 3x a day for a week. I was like seriously, today... Do you know how busy I am... :)   So, I decided to board her for them to take care of here while we were on our vacation. (Unsure what Sean would say or who we would pay....) Thankfully, My awesome uncle Billy offered to pay for her visit later on.  

When we returned from our honeymoon we took her in as our own (after much convincing to Sean).
She quickly became a part of our family. She traveled with us back to Alabama from our last home to Moms, and then spent one night at our new home.

Sean noticed she didn't eat for two days. He suggested I take her (his sweet baby) to the vet. Dr. Webber took one look at her mouth and said she's really sick. He immediately hooked her up on ivs, took blood and put her in isolation. I freaked out. I was like she was just okay yesterday... what happened? I didn't understand and just cried. I didn't know what else to do. He said go home and I will call you when the test come back. Two hours later the vet himself called (which was not a good thing I thought news wise). He said she had feline leukemia. He thought she was probably born with it since she was not an outside cat. He said he recommended putting her down to take her pain away. I lost it. I was so upset. I said no thank you. I appreciated his help and care, just couldn't put her to sleep without saying bye and letting Taylor see her again.

Sean and I went to get her and I closed the shop for the rest of the day to let her stay in her favorite place outside. She was very peaceful and enjoyed being loved on. I laid a blanket on the ground and we spent hours just looking in the sky. She seemed very content. She started breathing heavily and I knew she was getting close and Sean was on the way home. When we got home, he laid with us for about 45 minutes before she passed.

Such a sad day. We thought she just had a virus that morning and then she passed that night. Such a roller coaster of emotions. I know she is in a better place and has a yard to run in like no other. I just miss her! It has been just as hard on Sean and Taylor too. She is like our family and will be missed. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to spend quality time with her yesterday and Taylor got to tell her bye bye.

This week has really been an eye opener. I will praise him in this storm.

(This picture is from yesterday Taylor was giving her kitty love and kisses.