Thursday, July 14, 2011

Few Random Thoughts....

While I keep typing and deleting, I feel like I am updating my FB status. Have you ever done that? 
It's like I wanna say so much sometimes, I wanna scream, sometimes I wanna laugh, and sometimes just say 'Really". 

It's like some people don't understand what being a mom, wife, or friend is about. While I know my morals and values aren't others.... I just am amazed at what people say and do. I often go on 'deleting' sprees. I wonder why so many times???

Something you may not know about me:   Pandora is amazing. I love listening to music all day. If I had more time, I would love to travel and listen to bands all over the world. I may not know the names of all the bands, songs, and such .... but I love music. I love to listen to new bands, old bands ... any bands. Nothing like a live band spending time with your friends!

Do I have a hobby?   So, I kinda got sad when I realized I don't really have a hobby. I mean I love being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, business owner, cook, maid and such.... I really need a new hobby. I hope that when we get settled... I can make a section in our sun room for my sewing/ monogram machine. I would love to make cute items for Taylor.

 I also would love to take up a sport. I feel like a slug lately. I know it's because I am not in the gym like I use to (I do have a reason why I am not... I am not lazy).  I really would love to join a sport. I miss intermural softball in college. I also miss DANCE big time! I need to be active again and not where where the best place to look is. I guess Facebook. It's amazing how FB has taken over our lives. What if everyone that is ADDICTED to facebook was ADDICTED to the Lord the same way. Always logging in to see how we can better serve him. Wow, that just made me feel really bad that I am not as close as I would like to be with the Lord. 

I have always been a woman of God. I believe in him, trust him, serve him. I just feel I want to do more, learn more. I LOVE the Church of the Highlands. It is amazing. I am so excited we are finally at a part of our life where we can serve the Lord and experience this with Taylor and each other. I pray that I will become closer to him.

So glad last week is over.  The devil is really a pain lately. Our dog ran away, our cat died, lots of personal happenings, overwhelmed with things you can't do anything about! Thankfully this is a new week. 

More to come, just a lot of my mind lately...... Hope you (if anyone is reading) can come to Taylor's party Saturday!

Have a great weekend. Tiffany

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tribute to Trixie Townsend

I've never been fond of cats. Never really had a cat to take care of.

Sean and I bought a house in Meridian, MS about 5 years ago when we graduated from college a couple months before our big wedding day. A stray baby kitty came up and I feed her some milk. She came the next day and I feed her some more. Again. and Again. I didn't understand at the time what I was doing, I just thought she was thirsty. Sean later said "umm. Tiffany, she will keep coming if you keep giving her milk".

We had put the finishing touches on the house and wanted out of town family to come see our house. (I had been feeding the outside kitty about a month).  The day of our wedding rehearsal, the kitty limped up. It was so pitiful. It looked like she had been hurt. I took her to the vet (hours before our rehearsal started in Dempolis). The vet said she needed antibiotics 3x a day for a week. I was like seriously, today... Do you know how busy I am... :)   So, I decided to board her for them to take care of here while we were on our vacation. (Unsure what Sean would say or who we would pay....) Thankfully, My awesome uncle Billy offered to pay for her visit later on.  

When we returned from our honeymoon we took her in as our own (after much convincing to Sean).
She quickly became a part of our family. She traveled with us back to Alabama from our last home to Moms, and then spent one night at our new home.

Sean noticed she didn't eat for two days. He suggested I take her (his sweet baby) to the vet. Dr. Webber took one look at her mouth and said she's really sick. He immediately hooked her up on ivs, took blood and put her in isolation. I freaked out. I was like she was just okay yesterday... what happened? I didn't understand and just cried. I didn't know what else to do. He said go home and I will call you when the test come back. Two hours later the vet himself called (which was not a good thing I thought news wise). He said she had feline leukemia. He thought she was probably born with it since she was not an outside cat. He said he recommended putting her down to take her pain away. I lost it. I was so upset. I said no thank you. I appreciated his help and care, just couldn't put her to sleep without saying bye and letting Taylor see her again.

Sean and I went to get her and I closed the shop for the rest of the day to let her stay in her favorite place outside. She was very peaceful and enjoyed being loved on. I laid a blanket on the ground and we spent hours just looking in the sky. She seemed very content. She started breathing heavily and I knew she was getting close and Sean was on the way home. When we got home, he laid with us for about 45 minutes before she passed.

Such a sad day. We thought she just had a virus that morning and then she passed that night. Such a roller coaster of emotions. I know she is in a better place and has a yard to run in like no other. I just miss her! It has been just as hard on Sean and Taylor too. She is like our family and will be missed. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to spend quality time with her yesterday and Taylor got to tell her bye bye.

This week has really been an eye opener. I will praise him in this storm.

(This picture is from yesterday Taylor was giving her kitty love and kisses.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moving Back Home to Hueytown

What an adventure it has been!

Not really looking for buy, God lead me on a Saturday drive when I closed the store. It had been a long day! :) Nothing seemed to make Taylor happy. I decided to just drive and let her sleep while I just enjoyed the sunshine. 

It wasn't working--- She was screaming (if you know me, I can't do anything when she does her loud pitch screaming). So, I just pulled over and started crying. Asking God, please give me patience and guidance. I knew I needed some quiet mommy time. Meanwhile, I just sat parked in on the road. 

I glanced over and saw a cute house with a wooden fenced yard, detached garage to my right. I thought to myself "That is so us, I love that, if only it were for sale". Meanwhile, Taylor fell asleep and I decide to continue with my drive, when I started the car and inched up I took one last glance at the 'perfect home'. ***Then it was like magic, don't know how to describe it*** A FOR SALE sign was in the front yard. Seriously, I thought to myself.... there is no way. I would have seen it before when I drove up and parked.

I don't know why, but I called the Realtor. I knew we weren't really looking to buy, just curious. She was SO RUDE. She didn't want to even talk about that house. She said it is an older home, you wouldn't like it. I have many more newer homes you would like. "I thought seriously, are you doing this"? So, I told her bye and drove around the block. I got back out, walked around the house and out comes a older gentleman. 

He was so polite. He even showed me the inside. I fell in love. It was perfect. I LOVED the huge backyard fenced with a sweet wooden fence. It had a separate garage and detached workshop. My favorite is the sun room! The living room is downstairs (Sean likes to think it's his man cave). The from room what was the den (will be Taylors play room). It is perfect. (It will need fresh newer colors inside the house). 

God had his plan and everything worked out so beautifully. Even the details about finding our Realtor, and such. It's just so amazing what God does. I don't understand, but I do feel blessed.  

After months- literally, they had to finish building there house and lots of prayer... We decided that with Gods guidance that we would buy this home for our lil family! 

I am SOOO excited. I just can't stand it. We closed this morning. I actually bought a house and groceries before 8:45 am. Is that nuts? Yes, I know! 

Pictures are to come. Now I get to do Taylor's Big Girl Room. We are delaying her birthday party so that we can have a BIG party at our new house for all her friends, and ours! 

God is so good! 

We are so excited. It is SOOO different from our last two houses. It is comfortable, homey and just us. The 'flashy, big fancy house and neighborhood was not for us anymore!'. I can't wait to make it ours! Taylor is going to love getting to have play dates and mommy can't wait too! Blessed!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Taylor's First Barons game of 2011

Super excited in her baseball outfit, matching hat daddy bought her last year, bag of snacks, ponytail with bow, matching shoes, sippy cup, blanket, diapers, juice, tickets,... check check check....

Seems like we pack the whole house just to make a simple trip. :)
 It felt so great to have people say, she looks just like you! I haven't heard that any when I had dark hair! The small things make you smile!
She LOVED the Bouncy moonwalks!

She actually liked the game.
She was a little flirt too. Sitting behind us was a group from UAB (current and alumni Pi Kapps) Cool huh? They LOVED hair. They played with her the whole game and she ate it up! :) 

This daddy loves his baby girl! He is his world for sure! It makes me love him even more than I already do!

I love my little family!

Back Blonde

So-After much consideration.
I could no longer be mean.. lol My husband seems to think my dark hair made me have 'an edge' and attitude.

Well, I also missed my self. I loved being dark, and I may go back one day. But for now, I am blonde again!

April's Fury 2011

It's Amazing how fast life can change. We were so thankful our lives, family, homes, and friends were safe after the horrible tornado's that touched so close to us.

Our home in McCalla had minimal damage from earlier storms that morning, and our only downfall was power outage for a week.

My store had structural damage and a busted window. It looks like it may be a lengthy process to fix, but will be a beautiful blessing in the long run.

The Amazing Part--- We opened our store as a 'designated' Red Cross Drop off location.
God worked in AMAZING ways getting our name out.
From ALL over the world, packages were mailed. Hundreds a week came in FULL of items in need!
We were able to deliver these to churches, organizations, Red Cross. One day 2 U-Hauls came Full, and we had to call and get them directed immediately because we didn't have room for all the boxes!

This is My Taylor Bug helping the UPS delivery man help. We became great friends with Fed Ex, USPS, and UPS. They were locals here, and got cold water every delivery!

New York was one of our larger contributors. I have NO idea how they heard of my store, but if residents called looking for a location in our area to help, they were given our store information. Hundreds of donations came from New York. Other locations such as Washington, Kentucky, Nevada, California, Florida, Michigan, South Carolina... the list goes on!

I was SO amazed! I also sent a thank you note to everyone that mailed a package to let them know how much we appreciated there support. God is so good!

We were so blessed to be able to be a hand in the helping efforts to get our town back up and going!

Friday, April 1, 2011

My First Coupon Adventure

Yes. It is true. I am attempting in the quest to save money. I usually do this by not buying anything that we don't NEED. But, I see others getting items that we (sometimes) get for almost nothing. So, my first trip to Publix today I spent $14.72 and saved $24.95.

I don't really understand the whole 'couponing' world, but hopefully I will be a great learner!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's been a Year!

Wow! Is the first word that comes to mind.

I can't believe that we opened Taylor Bug's a year ago.
To those that didn't know. God gave me the idea (I truly feel that way) on my birthday weekend (Jan 30th) of 2010. It is nothing less than Gods work that the store opened less than a month and a half later. I mean, who does that? We went from about 800 sq ft... and have grown to over 2200. Isn't that amazing! I know, Right.

God has blessed us! This is our ad in the Birmingham Kids Directory this month. The main artwork is compliments of Holly at Hollydays! She is a dear friend of mine who does great work. The artwork was sent to the Kids Directory and made into this ad. I just love it!

I can't wait to see what God continues to do with this business in years to come.

I will not say it has been an easy road. The opposite actually. But, worth every spare minute, dime, tear, and laughter! I could not have done this without my amazing support team. I don't pay well, and am VERY demanding. lol So, not the best boss. But, I get things done.

I have the best husband in the world. He is my right hand. I appreciate his support. Sometimes I listen, sometimes not... :) But, he is here and he loves me for me! He helps me with the taxes (which I hate), and monthly numbers (which is not fun).... and gives me advice when I ask, and sometimes when I don't. lol  But, he is amazing.

Another supporter is my dear mom. She is a blessing from above. She works her full time job two/three days a week and helps me the other days usually. She is the BEST steamer. She is catching on to the register and pricing too. Which is a huge help. Sean and I actually were able to take a weekend together, and mom ran the whole store and watched Taylor (at the same time... which is not an easy task).

It seems like we were just trying to pick our the right colors for painting, finding the best hangers, signing contracts, getting licenses, insurance... all the things that helped me grow as a business owner. I have done things I never thought I could.

I have so many ideas for the future on how I want to grow. I can't wait! God has big plans in store for us. I just know it!

Thank you Lord for my many blessings!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Us Lately...

Wow! Almost two weeks from my last post! Time has really gone by fast. We have busy bees at the Townsend household. What have we been up to? Hmm... Can I even Remember?

At the store (Taylor Bug's):
It has been the transaction between Winter and Spring. Fun Fun! So excited to put out bright Spring dresses, not so fun sending back unsold winter items. Having a hard time getting people to pick up items! Uh, I don't wanna have to donate them... But, I am going to have to this week. But, I have an awesome person that gives items to local families in need!

My baby Taylor:
She is growing so fast! She learning to count. It is so sweet to hear her say A23, 12B.... She is going to be a hear breaker for sure. Her hair is growing so fast, but she HATES for me to brush, style, or touch it. She will get use to it... :)  She has been going to Mrs Alley's daycare more than I planned. I have been SWAMPED at the store, and have little time to have quality time with my wild child. She LOVES Mrs Awwey as she calls her... so I don't feel bad about leaving her. Hopefully when I get caught up, she can be with me more.

My Marriage:
I have the most amazing husband. He is my best friend. I could not do all the works of the Lord without his support. He is my supporter, provider, financier (is that a word?), word of truth... and much more. He helps bring me back to the real world as he is helping me reach my potential. We have had a great couple years of dating, couple of married... and it just keeps better. But, it can always grow. This past weekend we went to Ignite Marriage Conference at Church of the Highlands. It was AMAZING! We learned about ourselves as well as each other. I know that it brought us even closer together. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Our Home:
Well, we are on the market to move! And I am SO excited. The neighborhood that we live in ... is NOT for us! I NEVER see anyone outside, you get a letter from the neighborhood society if your grass is too long, and  Not ONE person even came to say hi when we moved in a couple of years ago.... it is just a little too UPtight for us! We really would like to move to Hueytown. I know. I never thought I would say that. But, we need to be closer to the store and its time to make another move! 

Through the Years. So I was thinking.... Life has changed a lot since Graduation, so I thought I would share.
2006-Graduation and got an AWESOME job in Mississippi
2007-Bought a House and Got Married
2008-Sold a House and Moved to Alabama and got a transfer in my company and started another job
2009- Had a Baby
2010- Opened my first Store
2011- Planning on Moving to Hueytown.

Wonder what the next five years will hold?

Yes, It still exist. I am not going 6 times a week. But, I am going several times. I have been working 18 hour days at the store, and have little time to go. But, I am doing my best. Still eating better... and haven't gained any weight and still wearing my 'favorite' jeans! So, I take that as progress. Hopefully after this week, I can get back into my routine.

I feel fresh and new after the Marriage Conference. My favorite part was after the first night when Sean looked at me when we were leaving and Said....'You know, I've never thought about it, but you are my best friend...I have a lot of fun with you'. So sweet. It's very tiring, be a full time mommy, business owner, wife, daughter, maid, cook, car pool, vet, dr., just to name a few...But...It's worth it! I love my life!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Love of My Life....

Valentines Day. Once a year to show your 'love'. Well, I get it... But, I don't really think it deserves all this hype. However, I love romance, sweet letters, and someone telling you they love you any day of the year. 

So I saw fit to write a post about me and my sweet husband... and how we met! 

Busy, Busy Bees were we.... My first semester of college was not really my best years. I was confused, scared, living in the past,..... and not sure UWA was for me....But, after second semester... my life changed!

I met Mr. Sean Townsend. Little did I know, he would me my husband just years later. The statement is true, that you will find the 'one' when you are not looking. God knows what he is doing, even if we don't.

Pi Kapp baseball was my favorite.. (Sean that is)!

I played too.... Can you believe it? No... It's okay. I even had pink shoes!

I am on the right! The other two are my besties!
Not looking for relationships, we both started as friends. Not really knowing where I was going, confused, and a little scared of the world... I saw Sean as a true friend. I enjoyed hanging out with him and his 'brothers'. I felt like I could tell him anything. Always lending a ear listening to me talk about my boy troubles.... Yet, never 'making a move'. I am almost certain that is what made me fall in love with him. I miss our all night talks in my car. We would literally sit all night talking and go straight to classes the next day. Crazy... I know. But, then it was the best time in the world. I would be stressed about sister activities, Dance team, ambassador, trying to graduate early, missing my family..... and he would help me map out the best plan to make it all work. Man, I love him! 

Isn't he a hottie! Yes, I know! :) I'm one lucky girl!

After several months of being close friends, we began to hanging out more and more. he pushed me to study, made sure that I still made time for my friends, and encouraged me to be me! I knew that he was sent to UWA for me.  

In college, we were both studying business, and knew what we wanted. That was to graduate and go somewhere! With that in mind, we also knew that we would only be 'in that area' of our lives for a short time. So lived it to the best that we knew. 

Being active in our fraternity was very important to us. He, a member of Pi Kappa Phi, and myself a member of Phi Mu.... We worked very hard to be involved in all that we could. The picture below was a fundraiser for another fraternal organization on campus. It was mud volleyball. I can close my eyes and remember this like yesterday. Two sorority sisters, Candy and Elizabeth... and two of his brothers, Scott, and Jaby. We kicked butt if I recall. Sooo.. much fun. I remember me and Candy going to the hall to shower... then us all going to the sub to eat. Ahhh, the easy days! 

Oozeball 2004
(I'm the one of the front left and he is in the middle on the back)
That night was the first time he 'asked' me to go 'with him' to an after school function.

This night was sooo much fun. 
Over the next several semesters, we began to meet the families and spend holidays together. I felt like a part of his family from day one. 

I love this man.... This is when we were 'friends'.

One memory that I have is I actually made him wait like 4 months to kiss me. He said 'it was worth it'
Sorry if TMI... Just thought it was sweet.

I have never known a man like Sean. He is a man of few words (most of the time)...   :)
But the words that he speaks, I listen. Now, I have always been hard headed, so we disagree on some things... But, hey that's normal right? He speaks up for his beliefs, he is intelligent about everything. He is the most honest person that I know. He will tell you the truth, even if it hurts... He is still my best friend and I look forward to growing old together. 

My December 2006 graduation.

August of 2006, While taking a weekend trip to PC Beach .... walking on the beach after a night of dinner and putt putt ...... he proposed. The night was amazing! I said Yes! :) 

The next 9 months of planning would not be possible without the My amazing wedding planners (my momma and Mrs. Aleesa Burton. They did it all! Working full time, living in MS, and buying a new house..... I had no worries with two amazing people making our day perfect.  

After he proposed, we went to the karaoke at the Sand Piper.. and the first song that played was ''I cross my heart''. We said then, that's our song. So our whole wedding was themed around that song. We danced to that song at our wedding... and had several home videos that my mom spent many hours, and hard work on. It was such a special day! The whole day was perfect (who cared it was a outside wedding and it rained and we had to move everything inside, and a barge came through when the wedding was going on...) It's all part of the experience...
April 14, 2007 

On the ship for our honeymoon!

Our first home we owned in Mississippi when I graduated in 2006
It's even prettier in the inside. I miss this house!

Our marriage has been a blessing from above. As everyone who is married knows, Marriage is not easy. Nothing in life worth anything is easy (in my opinion). We have been through ups and downs... and I would not trade a day for anything! He is my right hand. We are growing closer together as well as closer to the Lord. I look forward to updating the world on the life after marriage until now.... another night! (Sorry if so long, I just love this man!)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Bug growing up..... Catching up from the past

Well, I kinda like this whole blogging world. However, I feel bad for not starting sooner. Which reminds me that I never did Taylor's baby book. Yikes. Now I really feel bad. So, I think I would like to put some pictures and do some catching up for the world on my Taylor Madison. 
Her baby shower gifts. One blessed little girl to say the least.... Considering this was only half of her gifts we got total!
Yes. I was huge. I had preeclampsia....

First Picture with Taylor and our parents.

Tannehill Trip with Momma, BaNana and Papa K.

My sweet baby girl will be 2 in June. She is growing up so fast...... Oh how I love her!

Church of the Highlands: Grants Mill

To God be the Glory...
God has blessed me with friends that are so amazing. It is so refreshing to know God has hand picked friends for me that has been with me through some tough times this past year. One blessing, was discovering the Church of the Highlands. Let me just tell you... If you haven't been, you should. IT is AWESOME. You feel God's presence in the parking lot... Seriously, it is so moving... I get excited just thinking about the church.

The worship is like no other, that I have ever been. The messages are so touching.
I am so excited that Sean enjoys going with me... and Taylor bug loves going too.

Church and lunch dates are the best way to start a new week. I look forward to see what the Lord has in store for us this year!

Hobby: on Physical Fitness and Health

So, I am now 26.... and getting your shape back after having a child, is not an easy task. But, its possible (I think).... :)   Well, my awesome mom got me a membership to Iron Works for Christmas. Isn't that the greatest gift. I thought so. This was me on Christmas.... Wow, Yuck is all I will say... 

So, I started two days after Christmas... and have been working out like CRAZY (at least to me). Working out before in dance days.... wasn't going to cut it. So, I bumped it up. On a average week, I do Zumba 2x a week, Boot camp on Saturday mornings (which is SOOO hardcore and tough, but for some reason, I love it), and work out with weights/ running 3-4 days. Some weeks more, some weeks less...

Well a month a half of working out... and I have went down about 3-4 pant sizes....
One Month and a week and a half later.....

So, I know I have a long ways to go .... to be fit and healthy, but I feel I am off to a good start. No more fast food, late night snacks, 7 cups of Dr. Pepper a day. I am eating healthier (note I said healthier... and not fully healthy). I have never been one to like things that are good for me. But, I am trying.
Drinking lots of water, and less caffeine. 

Yes, it is extremely hard: Being a full time mom, owning a business, being a wife, daughter, friend, maid....
But, I am doing this for me! I want to be in my prime when Taylor is growing up. Looks like I gotta be able to run fast to keep up with
So, I wake up extra early, work out..... it means spending less time relaxing all really (less time to lay around at night and watch tv).... But, so worth it.  We shall see if it pays off this summer! :) Hope so!

So, I actually love Iron Works. Thus the reason, I do lots of PR for them! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Taylor Bug...

My baby girl is now a toddler. She is 19 months old. She is into everything. Like Most 2 year olds, I guess. She loves going to 'her' store, Taylor Bug's. She plays with all the new toys (to try them out of course). However, it is impossible to actually work with her at the store. So, she goes to daycare 2x a week at Mrs. Alleys. Taylor loves her! We are so blessed to have someone that loves Taylor and takes such good care of her! 
Taylor is a VERY independent girl. I am sure she learned that from her momma :) Her favorite toy is her baby dolls. She loves to feed them, rock them, and give them loving. It is super sweet. She loves her doggies too. I think she loves them more than they love her. :) We are working on her vocabulary. She seems to think she can scream instead of asking for what she wants... Will update on her progress. lol  

This picture was taken after we went to the circus for my 26th Birthday!

Entering the Blog World....

Welcome to our Family Blog. Thanks for following our life! We will update the world on our family, business, and more.....